CytoFLEX SRT Benchtop Cell Sorter

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CytoFLEX SRT Cell Sorter is a benchtop sorter. It is capable of meeting requirements for a wide range of sorting needs. And like the CytoFLEX Platform, it includes innovative technologies that simplify the setup and operation, empowering investigators to focus on the research questions.


CytoFLEX SRT Cell Sorter is a benchtop sorter. It is capable of meeting requirements for a wide range of sorting needs. And like the CytoFLEX Platform, it includes innovative technologies that simplify the setup and operation, empowering investigators to focus on the research questions. The Violet-Blue-Yellow Green-Red (V-B-Y-R) Series has 15 fluorescent detectors when fully activated. It can be purchased with as few as five with an option to activate additional lasers and detectors with an activation key. It is capable of complex sort logic with different combinations of sort settings on each of four streams, including the ability to catch aborts of one of the other streams. An optional Biosafety Cabinet including aerosol evacuation or a standalone Aerosol Evacuation Unit is available.

•Capable of complex sort logic, including 4-way sorting, Mixed Mode sorting, and the ability to catch aborts and preserve precious cells
•Setup is smart and simplified, using automation to establish and maintain the sort stream

CytoFLEX that Sorts
•Exquisite sensitivity for multicolor applications
•Parameter matched to the CytoFLEX S V-B-Y-R Series
•Intuitive software to facilitate multicolor analysis, CytExpert for CytoFLEX SRT

Accessible Sorting
•From startup to sample sorting in <30 minutes
•Uses technology to increase ease of use by automating sort stream setup and maintenance throughout the sort
•Designed for reliability and supported by teams of experts

Complex Sort Logic
•Up to 15 fluorescent colors to define populations
•4-way sorting, Mixed Mode sorting
•Ability to catch aborts and preserve precious cells

Delivering Quality Cells
•High recovery and post sort viability
•Accurate single-cell deposition using the Cyclone Movement System, including Index Sorting
•Sort into tubes, slides, or microplates

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