Anti-Bribery Management Systems
At Galenica, we hold a strong commitment to conducting business with integrity. We understand the significant impact that our reputation has on our success, and therefore, we are dedicated to upholding the highest ethical standards in all aspects of our operations. We recognize the importance of compliance with applicable laws and regulations, ensuring that we operate within legal boundaries and promote a culture of transparency and accountability.
ISO 37001:2016 – Anti-Bribery Certification
Bribery is a criminal activity that harms business development and competition, increases costs and prices of products/services, creates uncertainty in commercial relationships, undermines trust in institutions, and has a negative impact on markets. Galenica has implemented its anti-bribery management system, certified according to ISO 37001:2016 Standard, demonstrating its commitment to fighting bribery, which translates into a positive effect on its business operations.
Having an anti-bribery management system reduces the risks of negligence, provides greater confidence to stakeholders, and articulate risk analysis which may prevent negative consequences.
Law 20,393 Certificate – Crime Prevention Model
Galenica has implemented and certified a Crime Prevention Model in accordance with the provisions of Law 20,393 on the criminal liability of legal entities.
Having a certified model reinforce our culture of integrity within the workplace. The model among other tasks contributes on setting internal controls, identifying risk and weaknesses, creating formal communication channels under periodical monitoring and report.