DMi8 M / C / A Inverted Microscopes for Industry

DMi8 M / C / A Inverted Microscopes for Industry

Being ahead of the competition is what drives your business. No matter if you work in metallography, medical device manufacturing or microelectronics, speed is essential. Tailor this highly modular inverted microscope to your needs. Combine Leica optical quality, a wide range of contrast modes, and intuitive software in one system to help you speed up your workflow.


Being ahead of the competition is what drives your business. No matter if you work in metallography, medical device manufacturing or microelectronics, speed is essential. Tailor this highly modular inverted microscope to your needs. Combine Leica optical quality, a wide range of contrast modes, and intuitive software in one system to help you speed up your workflow.

Inverted microscopes enable you to save time and money. Unlike upright microscopes you can simply put your specimen on the stage, focus onto the surface once and have it focused for all magnifications and further samples. And because the objectives are positioned below the stage the risk of collision with the sample is reduced.

You can change 4 times faster between samples
You benefit from a large working space to easily place even huge and heavy samples.
Work with samples that weigh up to 30 kg.
The Leica Application Suite (LAS) software lightens your workload by offering a variety of expert modules, e.g.:

Steel Expert
Phase Expert
Grain ExpertRegular updates and upgrades of LAS ensure that you are always ahead of the game.
Leica Microsystems exclusively offers Ultra-Contrast 3D illumination. It allows you to illuminate your sample from different angles, obtain additional information on the surface structure, and achieve improved contrast. See more details of your sample in less time.

You experience greater ease of use with the integrated illumination solutions
Get more information on your sample at no additional costs
You can choose between manual or motorized version
Personalize the function keys to your preference and use coded components and the illumination control. Get your results faster and enjoy working with the microscope thanks to the guided workflow.

Activate with push of 1 button the macro mode to get a quick overview on the sample
Change between contrast mode and magnification simultaneously (e.g. from 10x HDF to 50X DIC)
Program one function key to acquire an image with the camera for documentation