
The Tempus600® system is a dedicated point-to-point line of 25 mm tubes, with no cross points in the system and, therefore, no risk of blocking samples. Samples are brought directly from the ward to the laboratory in a few seconds without any packing and unpacking of samples,delays or misdeliveries.


The Tempus600® system is a dedicated point-to-point line of 25 mm tubes, with no cross points in the system and, therefore, no risk of blocking samples. Samples are brought directly from the ward to the laboratory in a few seconds without any packing and unpacking of samples,delays or misdeliveries.

With a capacity up to 1250 samples per hour, a Tempus line will significantly reduce the pressure on existing transport systems and release capacity for transportation of other items than small clinical samples.

Tempus600® systems can be installed in any existing hospital or building in just 2 weeks – without disturbing the hospital‘s daily routines.

Tempus600® does not take up much space and is easy to fit into existing buildings and departments. The systems can be installed in any existing hospital or building in just 2 weeks, without the need to do any construction changes.

Samples in the Tempus600 can be transported:

  • vertically
  • horizontally
  • in ceilings and/or walls
  • between buildings
  • underground

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